God Loves

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

What are you doing this Sunday?
We Welcome Your Visit

Your visit here is greatly appreciated, and we pray that you will want to visit us in person as we worship our Lord God Almighty together as one family.

We are a warm, loving, culturally diverse, biblical congregation. You are cordially invited to attend our services at the designated times, without any obligation or imposition being placed on you.

On this web site you can learn more about the church located in Marshall, Texas. You will also be able to sign up for Bible correspondence courses, or you may contact us concerning any questions that you may have regarding the Bible.

About Us
Family looking at the camera in the park
Join Us Sunday Morning Online

Our services are live streamed every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.

Watch Live

Are you looking for a place to connect or grow?

We would love to know more about you.

Come grow with us.

Meeting Times

Speaking Where The Bible Speaks


Bible Class: 9:30 a.m.

Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.

Afternoon Worship: 1:30 p.m.


Bible Class: 7:00 p.m.

Serving the Lord With Joy

Come and join us this week for Bible study and worship. We look forward to becoming your friend and having you as a member of our congregation.

Bible Study

We believe the Bible is the Word of God, and we are committed in studying the Bible to see how we can most closely give God the personal and collective worship He desires. (2 Timothy 3:16:17)

Meeting Of Bible Study Group
Prayer Groups

God is listening to His children. Lifting up one another in prayer gives us hope and strength as we make our requests known to our heavenly Father. Let us know how we can pray for you.

outreach Ministry

Our online efforts to reach the world through the Internet has served to touch the lives of many souls both locally and abroad. We are expanding our reach with Facebook and YouTube.

our mission concept with compass
Serving The Lord

The Church of Christ in Marshall is a family of God's children who are saved by the grace of God and committed to serving our Lord and our fellow man. Here you will find people of all ages and from many walks of life who have been called into a united fellowship of love and acceptance. 

We rejoice in the precious gifts the Lord has given us, and we are eager to share those gifts and blessings with you. If you reside in this area, please know that there is a special place for you and your family in this congregation of Christians.